Ascension Symptoms
What are they?
If you are on the ascension/spiritual awakening path You are awakening and transforming radically. It is not easy. It is not like anything that has come before, and is probably harder than anything you have ever experienced. Ascension is essentially the process of spiritual awakening that shifts you into a higher level of consciousness. And in order to do this, all the junk is cleared out along the way. It is essentially a deep detox of each of our bodies to enable us to rise into higher vibrations. Along this process, you will likely experience a variety of ascension symptoms as your body changes and you begin a process of remembering who You are.
It helps to know you are not on the journey alone, and to tap into what others experience to ease your steps on the journey, prompting me to write this article.
Symptoms that our physical body experiences as it ascends in vibration are vast and can be intense. Changes are happening on all levels and thus your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies will experience alot of upheaval. Your cells, bones and blood are being cleared out of all that no longer belongs there. Your dna is being activated, recalibrated and reprogrammed. Ascension relates to your capacity to hold light in the cells of the body. Thoughts, beliefs, behaviours and actions begin to shift as you learn that you are the conscious creator of your realities. Yes, realities. There is no longer one, but multiple….as multidmensionality becomes very real. You will learn to transmute the lower mind/egoic self, dissolve old programs, master heart based living, and to become a truly empowered person. As you increase in awareness and through practice, your capacity to consciously choose also improves.
You are expanding in consciousness and becoming a lighter version of yourself. It’s one heck of a ride! If we resist the changes, the journey can become more challenging as resistance is met with resistance. The key to ease the path of ascension and spiritual awakening is to allow.
Some of the key symptoms people tend to experience include:
Aches and pains in the muscles, tight joints and general fatigue and exhaustion.
Disturbed sleep, waking up in the middle of the night, wild out of body dreams, past life experiences. In sleep time we clear alot of emotional baggage so prioritise it if you can and get as much rest as possible.
Headaches, intense pressure or piercing like sensations in the head, dizziness, spaceyness, disorientation.
Ears ringing, and general heightened sensitivities on all levels. Heart Palpatations and nausea can also occur.
Memory impairment and general forgetful often occurs as the brain’s mode of functioning entirely transforms.
Ups and downs. As we move between old and new versions of ourselves we can increase so high in vibration and become so joyful and filled with love, only to be followed by drop into its polarity, experiencing deep pain and emotional instability. The latter is simply arising for your awareness.
Experiencing alternate realities. As we learn that time is an illusion and all is happening now, we open up to multidimensional experiences and can begin to experience in our sleep or waking time, other timelines.
Unresolved pain and karma coming up to be healed. Face and feel it when ready.
Feeling alone - As these new experiences can be so overwhelming, initially you may not have others to connect and share with. Find and connect with communities to share this, online or through meet ups. This can help you see that you are not alone, and alleviate any feelings of isolation.
Synchronicites - Seeing signs everywhere, through numbers, songs, signposts, media, that seem to be communicating with you. Every time you look at the clock its 1:11, 2:22, 3:33. This is your higherself guiding you and letting you know you are a part of everything. It can be quite baffling at first for the logical mind to even understand how this can be happening, so don’t try to understand too much, it is beyond logic.
A new You - with a new you, your outer world will also change. Many people that experience the ascension process or a spiritual awakening, will end up changing careers, ending relationships, leaving homes, as the old simply no longer works for them. This takes time to settle and patience and kindness to and with yourself is the name of the game.
Seeing and / or feeling more intensely energy from others around you, collective energies and/or cosmic energies.
Feel like your going crazy? Don’t worry, t’is a part of the process. We have been raised to know only a tiny fraction of reality, and of our own power. You are now opening up to the infinite universe and the infinity that is You! It is amazing, baffling, scary, shocking and magical.
You will also feel massive surges of love flowing and overflowing through and from your body. You will feel like every atom in every single cell in your body is lit up and overflowing with love. You will feel unprecedentedly blissful as you are experiencing higher frequencies.
What to do?
Listen to your body! If you need to rest, rest! If you need to get outside, get outside. Skip over the excuses and prioritise yourself!
Sit with any pain that arises and explore, allow and feel it.
Take a relaxing bath 🛀,
Or a crystalinne light filled cleansing shower 🚿,
Have a dance 💃,
Get out in nature 🍂,
Meditate 🧘🏿,
Get creative to express the energies inside you 🎨,
Connect with your soul tribe 🤝,
Visit a healer, GP or counsellor if feeling called to do so,
Go for a massage or a facial to treat yourself,
Write, blog, sing ✍️,
Exercise 🏃
Eat healthy 😋
Do regular energy clearings, cut chords, and connect with the source of peace that is within you.
Explore and find out what works for you!
Know that the ebbs and flows and highs and lows are normal - You are recreating yourself from the inside out - discomfort is inevitable. Ride the waves and simply observe. You are getting to know your body deeply, as a being of pure consciousness.
Don’t be scared, Enjoy the newness!
Note: Please consult a doctor if experiencing any intense physical symptoms listed above to determine cause, as there may be other issue requiring medical attention.