Clearing Key Patterns and Behaviours


If you are on the path to embodying your soul self on the earthly plane, there is likely a lot that will shift within you. On this journey, you will be clearing your physical and energetic body, from all the memory that has kept you repeating/looping the same karmic patterns again and again, and perhasp things not working out as you would like.

Many are walking aroudn in autopilot, not yet concious of the partterns and behaviours they hold, where they came from or how they are affecting teh life that they are living today. Living from an unconscious state, where the patterns are not aligned (e.g. being alone, anger, resentment, attracting dishonest people), can lead to living in a world of suffering, filled with illusion and confusion. Suffering ultimately stems from desires and how we thing, interpret our situations. This means, it is the story that we attach to a situation that can create the suffering. So if you grew up in an environment where men treated women badly, you will likely hold this patern within you, possibly attracting the same, and also behaving as a role, as you learned it to be - even if this is the last thing you want, or think you are doing. What we learn in early childhood, seeps into our subconscious, and most are operating from this state over their conscious state. Science estimates that 95% of our brain’s activity is unconscious and thus most of our thoughts, actions, emotions, stem from here, and are not fully conscious. In order to become conscious - more that 5% :)) - you need to begin identifying the patterns and behaviours you hold.

Emotions, constructive and destructive, live in the body. Memory has built up from past experiences and through ancestral karma, over generations and lifetimes. This can be through ancestral healing, past life healing, inner child healing, accessing the Akashic records, soul reconnection.

When we begin to wake up, a process of unlearning and undoing begins. We start to deprogram and decondition ourselves from all that we have been taught, most notably destructive patterns of beliefs and behaviours that we have picked up from others, (family, school, society), that do not serve ourselves or the greater good. This deconstruction process and shaking off of patterns that have long been entrenched in the bloodline is difficult but worthwhile as we can begin to live in truth rather than in the shadow of others. Instead of living in an illusory version of self-based on conditioning, we can live as our own inherent, authentic, divine self. Such patterns tend to include distorted archetypal gender role-playing, codependent relationships (addict and avoidant), poverty consciousness, survival fears, victimhood, blaming outside of self (irresponsibility), deep insecurities leading to dominating behaviour, distorted sexualisation and objectifying of the opposite sex (for both genders), hard slog work approach, absence of expression of real emotions (causing anger or depression), separation consciousness, lack mentality.

"Make no mistake about it ⎯- enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the façade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true."
~ Adyashanti, from The End of Your World

Many of our negative self-beliefs and behaviours are not actually ours - as nothing really is - but have been passed on to us. Through our unconscious adoption of unserving patterns of behaviour and beliefs, we tend to create repeating cycles that do not always have the best outcome. These patterns tend to be passed on and repeated through generations, and thus a willingness to do ancestral healing is welcomed. Once we bring these tendencies into our consciousness, we can begin to shift, adapt, and change to what we really want, rather than living through a series of unconscious behaviours. In clearing our past and these adopted patterns and behaviours, we pave the way for a clearer understanding of who we are, and a higher purpose in our life. Although challenging it is ultimately the path to liberation.

Some key activities to create space to enhance awareness and shift patterns:

  1. Sit in silence

  2. Reconnecting with the emotional body

  3. Clearing each of the chakras, one by one, regularly

  4. Dealing with your fears, by digging deep and getting to the root of them

  5. Breaking toxic energetic behavioural patterns e.g.

    1. Self Sabotage

    2. Addictions

    3. Co dependencies

  6. Addressing feelings of unworthiness, guilt & shame

  7. Balancing masculine-feminine energies

  8. Inner child healing

  9. Identify patterns of behaviour within our families and societies we grew up in

  10. Cutting energetic attachment chords & stopping leaks from your energy field

  11. Connecting with source light to raise your vibration

In Joy!!!

Jane Dundon