Harmonising the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine Within
We hold both feminine and masculine energies within us - and through a process of awareness, activation and embracing, we may come to harmonise these within, in order to bring about a sense of unity both within and without. This is akin to the opposites of Yin and Yang, loosely speaking.
While born as one sex, you hold the energies of both. We are simply consciousness manifested in a physical form (a body). This body is only one small aspect of who you are - a being much greater and more layered, spirit, a star a soul of immeasurable magnitude that transcends labels and identities.
Yet, while having a physical experience, we can be conditioned by societal norms, family impressions and other externally imposed patterns that affect how we develop characteristically. Many of us have been imprinted with distorted/wounded masculine and feminine energies that can often hold us back in their own ways, and prevent us from fully embodying our true, harmonised, unified self.
The distorted feminine tends to hold opposite traits to the distorted masculine, for instance being excessively emotional —- being void of emotional expression; being extremely submissive —- being excessively controlling; being passive —- dominating or competitive; ego-led - heart-led.
Here is an example of some of the key traits representing the healthy feminine / masculine
Feminine Masculine
Intuition Logic
Emotion Rational
Stillness Action
Grace Humble
Nurturing Protective
Softness Firm
Peaceful Warrior
Freeflowing Organisation/Planning
Heart Mind
Internal External
Process Outcome
Creativity Directive
Receptive Leadership
Initiating awareness and distinctions between the distorted and healthy masculine and feminine is the first step in a rebalancing process. Following this, you may examine any patterns of behaviour you may have that are not serving you, and seeing how you may shift, clear and rebalance this. For instance, if masculine energies are excessive, you may need to learn to release control and learn to flow, to sit in silence, and explore your emotions to bring back into balance the scales. Often a mirror version may appear in the physical reality to trigger you to awaken and integrate this part of yourself so that you become whole, no longer seeking In the external realm.
The masculine tends to lead in the physical while the feminine leads in the spiritual. Together a dance of interweaving a web of harmony is created, moving from polarity to unity.
When you heal and balance your own inner masculine and feminine, when you meet and greet both with full respect, when you can honor, see and love it wholly, they become fully integrated into yourself and are no longer fragmented or distorted. As this occurs you no longer project a distorted version in your reality, since what we experience in our outer reality is a reflection of what exists in our inner reality.
A healthy masculine and feminine is so powerful and shares back with the world through its high frequency. When harmonised, the sense of unity within is so great, that we transcend being either or, and evolve simply into a conscious being of neither or, both and beyond.