Painting process

The process

What I love about painting is that I fully absorb into the present moment, without any thoughts or preconceived ideas or plans. This allows the creativity to flow in and through me, without being controlled. When fully in the moment, tuned in with above and below without distraction, we can connect with unconditional love and share it through our respective mediums. Once I pick up the brush, I allow myself to be intuitively guided and it is pure bliss!!

The formation/creation of a painting or digital art piece is not so focused on the mechanics and techniques as much as on being a clear channel for light energies. Prior to painting, I will create a light, open and sacred space, and raise my vibrational frequency. My painting is always preceded by a lengthy meditation session to raise my state of consciousness to a level where ā€˜Iā€™ no longer play a part and thus can act as a conduit for that which wishes to come through me. It is through a lengthy period of meditation, and relaxation that enables transmission onto the canvas of high vibrational, light encoded art. This will sometimes be pure colours or colours with some specific light language activation in script. This art depicts the energy that flows through me using colour, texture and composition as a form of expression.

My purpose is to create art that has a positive and uplifting effect on the viewer/receiver, and contributes to activating awareness of your divine connection/higher consciousness. The paintings can have a healing effect and contribute to the ever increasing consciousness that we are divine beings, all connected, all one.

To see some original paintings, click here

To see some resin pieces, click here

For personalised energy art, click here