We are energetic beings


We are not merely physical bodies, flesh and bone. We are electromagnetic beings emitting frequencies in every moment. Each of our energetic fields are constantly interacting with all that is around us. All is connected at the sub atomic level. Our tissues and organs produce specific magnetic pulsations (frequencies). Everybody, every single soul and physical body, vibrates at a certain frequency, ranging from high to low. It is neither good nor bad, it simply is.

On the ascension path, one is pushed to heal all aspects of self to clear the lower vibrations and subsequently making space for more love and higher frequencies. Through energy healing, we can deactivate the electromagnetic charge that has kept any lower, unserving, unsupportive energies, in our field, A daily practice of sitting in silence nad feelign the energy within the body, can invite creater awareness and a deepening of connection with ourselves, leading on to greater conscious control of the vibration which we hold, and a greater ability to act in alignment with our highest good, rather than programmed behaviour.

We, you, I, get to choose what energy signal we send out to others, and as each person’s energies are emitted to the planet, collective energies are developed dependent upon the combination of each’s individual energy. You have the power to raise the vibration of both yourself and those around you, having a domino effect on the collective field.

Striving to raise the planetary vibration, one step at a time!

Jane Dundon