Lion’s Gate Portal, 8/8/2022, Magnified cosmic energies

Harnessing the energies of the Lionsgate portal


As we are now entering a time of intensely magnified energies, it is also a time to slow down and tune in with these so that we may allow them to reinforce or support whatever is happening deep within us. This is a major astrological event of the year, with the sun in Leo, and where the star Sirius and Orion’s belt and the earth line up together. This causes a magnification of energies that can help us grow and activate more dna within, and remembrance of who we are. A portal is like a doorway, and it had suddenly flung open so there is now much more available to us, and we can tune into this firstly by connecting energetically. Remember, all is created first on the energetic plains before becoming tangible in the physical world.

Much of June and July were committed to really anchoring deep long awaited change in life, and as steps were taken into new worlds, this had a ripple effect on the body, in some cases leading to exhaustion, sleeplessness, restlessness, agitation, fear, overactive mind. The mind gets scared when it is in new territory, in the unknown, the unfamiliar, as here it does not feel so safe, and thus fear kicks in. When fear kicks in, the mind ca go into overdrive, as a mechanism to self protect. However, when we allow fear to lead, and act from a contracted state, we tend to cause ourselves more suffering, and thus ultimately make life more difficult. In seeing this, we can now move with the energies of the Lions Gate, which are bringing in fresh vibes of courage, fearlessness, leadership, honesty, directness, bravery, and willing to take a leap. We have had two month of integrating new steps and now we can land in the new space, were You can become more You, more authentically You, without anything to hide, or run from. Sirius is the known as the brightest star in the night sky, let this be a mirror reflection for the potential within you.

Slow down, honor yourself, learn to go at your own pace, not the pace of others or society, Your pace….Show up for yourself when you can.

It is a potent time of awakening and ascension both for individuals, the collective and the earth, with each aspect supporting each other. We are never separate, always one.

May you be you.

Jane Dundon