What is Multidimensionality?
Upon the path of awakening, we begin to uncover our multidimensional nature. We are living in multiple times, spaces and dimensions simultaneously. Our physical being is merely one aspect of our existence. We are infinitely more expansive and layered than the physical body, and we can choose to tap into the depth of our souls. Through expanding in consciousness, our awareness that realities are neither fixed nor one, but multifold, develops.
In learning to navigate various frequencies, we can jump between dimensions and time, create new timelines, options, pathways, and realities as we choose. The dimension most stay in on the earthly realm is recognised as the third dimension, where separation is key, focus is primarily on what the naked eye can see and mind-led living leads. As we transcend into higher dimensional states, greater unity and harmony exist. In order to transcend, we need to reconnect with ourselves, heal old karmic wounds and energy blockages, which create the false self, and release attachments, expectations and desires, that we become so free, that nothing binds us. As we free ourselves of the past and future, our frequency begins to rise and in different frequencies, different experiences exist. We have become masters of ourselves, and hold compassion for all. The ego no longer leads, the higher self has taken over. We flow and no longer control.
As we expand into our other selves, and experience different dimensions, we may also uncover hidden gifts and talents, that we have on other timelines. We can then reactivate these and can bring these talents and gifts into this timeline, in this time/space reality. Priorities and focus in life changes, as what was once important, is no longer so. It can feel like living in different worlds, and can be confusing initially, but becomes normal with time. Often this nature, is first experienced in dreamtime, when the mind is at rest, and we are in deeper states of consciousness.