Awakening the light in the body
We are so more than a physical body.. We are temporarily inhabiting the form of a body, through to experience consciousness in the earthly realm. In our purest, eternal form, we are made up simply of light. Your soul, beneath the physical form, in its natural essence, radiates light energy and is connected with the entire universe.
We are the essence of the universe, expressing itself in human form, a microcosmic version of the Universe. Formless within form. We can activate reconnection with the light within our soul through deep meditation, invitation and openness, as well as allowing and inviting in any shadow.
The cells in your body are like billions of stars - awaken the light within them through connecting and communicating directly with your body, infusing colour and tone. Spinning in the energy centres can activate dormant aspects of our DNA, reawakening forgotten memories of who you are and an expanded existence and universe. We can begin to shift from separation to unity consciousness.
As our body expands, so do our experiences and multidimensional realities become more familiar.
How to activate the light inside you:
Invocation: I call upon all aspects of my light body or bodies to awaken in this realm, (adding your own words)
Meditate with intention of activating dormant cellular structures
Speak to your body
Raise your vibration through joy, laughter, and activities that lift you up
Sunlight meditation - charge up with sunlight bringing it in through your entire body, focus on it spreading through each of the cells, the bones, the blood, the muscles and joints. Expand it all over
Detox your body (Everything carries cellular vibrations and memories and this includes food! so be mindful of what and how food is entering your body, is it live? fake? vibrant? Be present while eating
Use sound and colour frequencies to activate yourself online
Get out in nature, listen and feel
Explore other practices of breathwork with visualisation
Pyramid activation - Place yourself on the ground inside a pyramid. You are sitting here in the centre of this structure and encompassing it is a 12 pointed star. Begin an anti-clockwise spinning motion of light around your body, like a vortex spinning. See what colours appear and embrace them. Become them. Connecting with the earth below, the cosmos above, and the ethers and fire. Melding and blending into it all. Breath and relax into it. As the breath deepens see the light expanding outwards and visualize a sphere of light around your body expanding out in layers beyond the pyramid. You may notice the body feeling lighter, as gravity lessens its pull.
In reality no checklist in itself can activate any of our higher senses, it is best to tune in directly to our own guidance, connect with nature, find a trusted teacher or guide to assist but essentially find our own pathand navigate the way which works best for you. You aer now begining to activat the living light body, this practice can be repeated as often as you feel called.