The Divine Essence: Embracing the Vague Omnipresence of Consciousness

Throughout human history, the concept of God has taken on various forms and interpretations. Many people envision God as a personal deity with human-like qualities and emotions, while others perceive God as an abstract, omnipresent force that permeates all of existence. In this short blog, we'll explore the idea that God is not a personal entity but rather a vague omnipresent reality that exists in everything.

The Vague Omnipresence of God

One of the most intriguing aspects of the concept of God is the notion of omnipresence, the idea that God is present everywhere and in everything. This perspective sees God as an all-encompassing, transcendent energy that permeates the very fabric of the universe. It suggests that there is no place where God is not, and no thing that exists separate from the divine presence.

This interpretation challenges the traditional view of God as a personal being with human attributes. Instead, it invites us to explore the idea that God is beyond human comprehension, beyond the limitations of language and form. This concept aligns with the mystical traditions found in various religions, where seekers strive to experience the divine through direct, unmediated encounters rather than through religious intermediaries.

The Limitations of a Personal God

Believing in a personal God can have its limitations. When we anthropomorphize the divine, attributing human emotions, desires, and intentions to God, we may inadvertently confine the infinite and unknowable to our finite understanding. This can lead to a rigid and dogmatic approach to spirituality, with adherents often clashing over their interpretations of God's will and character.

Moreover, the concept of a personal God can create a sense of separation between individuals and the divine. It may lead to the perception that God is an external being to whom we must plead and supplicate, rather than a fundamental part of our existence. This can foster feelings of distance and unworthiness, hindering our ability to connect with the divine.

Embracing the Divine Essence

When we embrace the idea of God as a vague omnipresent reality, in everything, we open ourselves to a deeper, more profound spiritual experience. This perspective encourages us to see the divine in all things – in the beauty of nature, the kindness of strangers, and the interconnectedness of all life. It also can show us the beauty in the supposedly ugly, uncomfortable, mean and other ‘negative’ happenings. All serves its purpose in this divine fabric we live amidst. It reminds us that we are not separate from God but an integral part of its tapestry.

Embracing the divine essence allows us to transcend the limitations of religious dogma and cultural boundaries. It invites us to explore spirituality in a more inclusive and open-minded way, recognizing that different traditions and paths may all lead to the same divine source.

While the concept of God as a personal being has been a prevalent and meaningful belief for many, there is beauty in considering the idea that God is a vague omnipresent reality, present in everything. Whether you see God as a personal deity or an all-encompassing presence, the pursuit of a deeper spiritual connection is a journey worth undertaking, one that can lead to a more inclusive and compassionate view of the world and our place within it. A good practice to begin deepening your spiritual connectivity, is practcing being awareness, in each and any moment. When the mind is chattering, or emotions are flowing, be the awareness behind them. The deeper, ever present, non wavering awareness that is always there, ever present, everywhere.

Jane Dundongod, ascension